In this modern age, speed and productivity are paramount for fast-paced organizations, and that is why translators are increasingly looking up to software to speed up their translation processes.
Translation software aides translation from one language to another. Translation software programs include
- machine translation,
- translation memory,
- spell-checking,
- word-processing, and
- terminology management.
Good translation software is judged by their ability to increase productivity while still maintaining a high-quality output. Let’s take a detailed look at the two leading technologies used in translation.
- Terminology Management, which stores specific terms for your business and guidelines on how to use them. This searchable database comes in handy when you need to translate technical documents, training and instructional manuals, legal documentation, and medical information.
- Translation Memory, which saves your translations as translation units. These translations are recalled whenever you want to reuse them so you wouldn’t need to translate the same sentence twice.
Benefits of Using Software
- With software, you get to translate higher volumes. Basically, you can take on more work and make more money.
- Increased productivity – You can use software to boost your productivity by completing projects more quickly.
- Access to bigger markets – This means you can expand your business network and penetrate local markets. Use quality translation to bridge the multilingual communication gap.
- Standing Out – software can make your business more attractive to potential clients due to your timely delivery and provision of service across a wide range of languages.
But beware, until software learns about the context of a language based on its usage and nuances, it will never be on a par with full human translation.