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Staying sane in self-isolation

Most of the world is contending with the menace of COVID-19. People are advised to stay at home, in self-isolation, to avoid catching COVID-19, or (more importantly) passing it on the those who are more vulnerable.

For people who are already used to working from home optimally, this might seem easy – but self-isolation is not the same as simply being at home. For others, this situation may feel like a nightmare.

This post is about the steps you can take to stay sane while in self-isolation:

Be productive with your time

Self-isolation can be an opportunity to reflect and develop yourself, not only for sleeping and working. Now is the perfect time to finish that online course you abandoned. You have the opportunity to get new certifications online, from the comfort of your home. Learn a new language, take up painting, develop your yoga or write that novel!

Working from home

When working from home (always) it’s important to maintain your work practice and ethic. Set up your workstation at home and remain productive.

Get dressed every day! Sit down at your workstation at the time you usually start work. Skype or WhatsApp with your work-mates – not only about work, but for those water-cooler chats too! Don’t forget, you are still part of a team! (And keep track of those coffees!)

Monitor your social media activity  

Social media can be great for keeping in touch with friends and family. Many of the memes and jokes that are around right now are hilarious – and it’s important to smile and keep your spirits up! But social media can be harmful if not properly filtered. WHO, and the medical officials in your country, are giving better advice than some dude on Twitter. Listen to the experts, and unfollow or block accounts that share fake or negative news online.

Your mental health is essential at this period, and you should guard it fiercely, just as you protect your physical health.

Get in touch with people outside your circle

For people struggling with mental health, and for the elderly, this time might be more challenging and difficult. This is the time to get in touch with your elderly or vulnerable neighbours – let them know the world will pull through, and you’re available to help. This will improve your peace of mind and do a world of good to others in self-isolation.

Maintain your routine

You should maintain your daily routine as far as possible. This will help to maintain your calm. Take time to cook nice meals, eat lunch every day. Set aside time in your schedule for games and for exercise – and stick to it.  

If you are with your family, try to establish a regular schedule that works for everyone.

Spend quality time with your family

You will deal with this better if you stick together and overcome as a family. Read books together, tell your children stories, learn how to do new things, and plan a trip for when the crisis is over.

If you’re not with your family, arrange regular Skype or Zoom get-togethers. Message or call regularly. This is especially important for elderly family members who may be very anxious. Tell them in advance when you’re going to call, so they have something to look forward to.

Stay Positive

It is not easy for anyone to be isolated, and with the litany of news flying around, it’s easy to start feeling depressed and anxious.

It’s important to remember that this too will pass. Normal life will resume.

The world is in crisis – this is happening to all of us, and we must pull together to get through this. Stay safe everyone!

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Most of the world is contending with the menace of COVID-19. People are advised to stay at home, in self-isolation, to avoid catching COVID-19, or (more importantly) passing it on the those who are more vulnerable.

For people who are already used to working from home optimally, this might seem easy – but self-isolation is not the same as simply being at home. For others, this situation may feel like a nightmare.

This post is about the steps you can take to stay sane while in self-isolation:

Be productive with your time

Self-isolation can be an opportunity to reflect and develop yourself, not only for sleeping and working. Now is the perfect time to finish that online course you abandoned. You have the opportunity to get new certifications online, from the comfort of your home. Learn a new language, take up painting, develop your yoga or write that novel!

Working from home

When working from home (always) it’s important to maintain your work practice and ethic. Set up your workstation at home and remain productive.

Get dressed every day! Sit down at your workstation at the time you usually start work. Skype or WhatsApp with your work-mates – not only about work, but for those water-cooler chats too! Don’t forget, you are still part of a team! (And keep track of those coffees!)

Monitor your social media activity  

Social media can be great for keeping in touch with friends and family. Many of the memes and jokes that are around right now are hilarious – and it’s important to smile and keep your spirits up! But social media can be harmful if not properly filtered. WHO, and the medical officials in your country, are giving better advice than some dude on Twitter. Listen to the experts, and unfollow or block accounts that share fake or negative news online.

Your mental health is essential at this period, and you should guard it fiercely, just as you protect your physical health.

Get in touch with people outside your circle

For people struggling with mental health, and for the elderly, this time might be more challenging and difficult. This is the time to get in touch with your elderly or vulnerable neighbours – let them know the world will pull through, and you’re available to help. This will improve your peace of mind and do a world of good to others in self-isolation.

Maintain your routine

You should maintain your daily routine as far as possible. This will help to maintain your calm. Take time to cook nice meals, eat lunch every day. Set aside time in your schedule for games and for exercise – and stick to it.  

If you are with your family, try to establish a regular schedule that works for everyone.

Spend quality time with your family

You will deal with this better if you stick together and overcome as a family. Read books together, tell your children stories, learn how to do new things, and plan a trip for when the crisis is over.

If you’re not with your family, arrange regular Skype or Zoom get-togethers. Message or call regularly. This is especially important for elderly family members who may be very anxious. Tell them in advance when you’re going to call, so they have something to look forward to.

Stay Positive

It is not easy for anyone to be isolated, and with the litany of news flying around, it’s easy to start feeling depressed and anxious.

It’s important to remember that this too will pass. Normal life will resume.

The world is in crisis – this is happening to all of us, and we must pull together to get through this. Stay safe everyone!