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Cost saving: translation memory

Los beneficios de la memoria de traducción:

Memoria de traducción


QuickSilver Translate use of state-of-the-art translation software in order to streamline the translation process and ensure consistency across all the translations we undertake for you. Every time we translate a document for a particular customer, the Translation Memory (TM) we build for them gets bigger, better and more efficient.

We understand that producing a ‘new’ version of a catalogue, for example, often involves very little actual revision. By using TM, we are able to save you money and time by working on only what has actually been changed in your new version, rather than translating the whole thing from scratch.

TM also enables us to make the entire translation process more efficient. It means that, rather than waiting for a final check from the project manager before you send your document, you can send us the draft as soon as it is ready. We will then work on the draft, and when the final version is ready, it is simply a matter of putting it through the TM and adjusting whatever small changes the project manager has made.

In this way, it is easier, cheaper and much less stressful for you to meet deadlines!

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