It is quite common when we speak any foreign language, we tend to make mistakes because we are not native speakers of that particular language and we are not aware of the rules that are to be followed while speaking a language. Grammar is an important aspect of any language. Without grammar, no language in the world can exist because it is grammar and use of connectors which allow the pieces to be connected together while making sentences to convey proper meaning. These pieces of information when connected together deliver the sense of message one is trying to convey.
Grammatical errors are the most common mistakes when we speak any other language because we tend to perceive the meanings in our own language while they are meant to convey something else. Grammar is the embellishment that a language wears proudly for without grammar, one cannot expect the proper messages to be conveyed. Same is the case with German language. There are certain rules which are to be followed while speaking German and if not followed, you’ll be embarrassed when communicating with the fellow Germans. Here are some of the common mistake that people usually make when speaking German because they are not German natives, hence make the mistakes which land them at the centre of embarrassment.
Ich bin Heiβ
There are certain rules to be followed when speaking a foreign language because one particular word when translated in your language may be exactly what you are trying to convey but for the professionals of foreign language, something else is being conveyed. As an example, the sentence “Ich bin Heiβ” in fact means ‘I am horny’ while you may think that you said, “I am hot.” Therefore, there are set of rules to be followed when speaking a foreign language.
Ich bin langweilig
When translated into English by any translator or translator agency, it may translate to “I am bored” but for Germans, it is “I am boring”. See how crucial the choice of words is when it comes to speaking a foreign language. English language has been designed and formulated by the British and Americans while German is entirely German-made language. Therefore, the pioneers having different backgrounds provided it with different set of rules.
Gute Nackt
Germans will perceive it Good Naked while an English speaker meant to convey Good Night. The improper choice of words may lead to frowns on the foreigners and you may not be totally aware of it. Therefore, when it comes to saying salutations and sending good wishes, proper choice of words and grammatical errors should be proofread before they blurted out.
Es ist halb drei
What you meant was “its half past three” while it actually meant “its half before 3”. When it comes to telling someone about the time, in German, half or quarter always means before the number that is being said. Therefore, when you are asked about time, make sure that you use the proper words to avoid someone landing in worrisome situation because time is an important factor for everybody and anything when gets of the schedule, it creates disturbance.